
Saudi Aramco Cybersecurity Chair Professor position in ICS department

Date Posted:  28 / 11 / 2019

Job Title: Saudi Aramco Cybersecurity Chair in KFUPM

Department: Information and Computer Science Department (ICS)

Institution: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)

Application Deadline: Open until filled

Position Start Date: Available immediately

Academic Field: Computer Science 

The Department of Information and Computer Science at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is pleased to invite applications for a Cybersecurity Chair Professor. Applications will be collected and reviewed until the position is filled. The position is sponsored by SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY ("SAUDI ARAMCO"), which is one of the largest oil companies in the world located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


KFUPM is a premier university located in the Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia, close to Saudi Aramco. It has been established in 1963 and became well-recognized worldwide as a pioneering university in the Arab Region and Middle East as per QS University Rankings, Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Times Higher Education (THE).  It has been ranked fourth among top 100 worldwide universities granted US Utility Patents in 2018. The campus has many teaching and research support facilities including HPC computing facilities, smart classrooms and research and teaching laboratories. As part of KFUPM community, the Information and Computer Science Department offers undergraduate and graduate degrees including BS in Computer Science, BS Software Engineering, MS in Computer Science, MS in Security and Information Assurance, MS in Software Engineering and PhD in Computer Science. The department has recently restructured the undergraduate programs to excel in computer science, software engineering, cybersecurity and data science. There are several opportunities for research funds which are managed through the Deanship of Scientific Research. 


Minimum Qualifications:


Candidates must hold a doctoral degree (Ph.D. in Computer Science) from accredited reputable university. He must have demonstrated a track record in attracting research funds and a strong profile in research and teaching in all areas related to cybersecurity such as computer and network security, cypher-physical systems, intrusion detection, malware analysis, cyber analytics and penetration testing. Preference will be given for candidates who have both academic and industrial experience.




Successful applicant should have a proven ability to plan and lead independent and interdisciplinary research and innovation in cybersecurity. The chair holder will be supported by a team of competent and qualified researchers, students and post-docs. He is expected with his expertise and excellence in research and leadership to make significant impact to enhance the university activities and academic programs related to cybersecurity. His role should provide exceptional education and transformational research and significantly influence and shape the university future to be nationally and internationally recognized in this area. Besides academic participation in teaching and supervision of students, the successful applicant should provide consulting services and steer research towards SAUDI ARAMCO interest.




  • Three-year contract (subject to annual review).
  • Competitive salary based on qualifications and experience.
  • Free furnished housing with free essential utilities and maintenance.
  • Free medical care at KFUPM Clinic.
  • Round-trip air tickets to Dammam for the faculty and up to three of his dependents.
  • Tuition fees for school-age dependent children enrolled in local schools.
  • Local transportation allowance.
  • Two-month paid summer vacation, end-of service benefits, and free access to recreation facilities.



Required Documents:


Qualified interested persons at senior rank are encouraged to submit: 

  1. Cover letter addressing qualifications for the position
  2. Current curriculum vita or resume
  3. Research statement
  4. Names of three references with affiliations and contact information
  5. Additional material may be requested at a later date.


Contact information



Enquiries or applications should be submitted to

Hamoud Aljamaan, PhD
Chairman & Assistant Professor, ICS Dept
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Office Telephone: (+966) 13-860-2175

For further information about KFUPM university, ICS department, and Saudi Aramco, please visit: