I am working as a professor for the information and computer science department. I have over 25 years of international experience, eight years in the software industry, and more than 17 years in academia. Previously, I worked for Keele University UK, National ICT Australia, the University of Technology Sydney Australia, the University of Sydney Australia, and the University of Manchester, UK. For the last 25 years, I have been collaborating with the software industry and academia to address real-world problems. My research focuses on exploring and designing innovative processes to improve systems development in organizations. I am interested in developing sustainable processes. A sustainable process is a process that is adaptable, easy to use and learn, supported by the technology, secure, empirically sound, and benchmarked on existing software quality standards and models. My research areas include Sustainable, Reliable, and Secure Software Engineering Processes, Software Security Engineering, Cybersecurity management, Insider-threats management, and Empirical and Evidence-based Software Engineering.
Affiliation: IRC Secure and Intelligent Systems
Bldg. 22 22-319 966-13-860-4493 5066 mkniazi@kfupm.edu.sa http://www.ccse.kfupm.edu.sa/~mkniazi/