I am an Assistant Professor at the ICS department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) sine 2021. I have been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, with a focus on keeping course content updated to align with industry demands. I also acted as the training coordinator for the ICS department which helped in understanding the Saudi job market. Previously, I did my PhD in Computer Science at UW-Madison working on machine learning in drug discovery research.
My research interests are in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) areas. I am also interested in developing applications, algorithms, and scalable systems. My current research explores AI/ML techniques such as active learning and iterative screening for drug discovery, reinforcement learning approaches, and scalable ML for chemical libraries. I'm experienced with ML python packages (TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-learn), MATLAB, Spark, and cluster computing frameworks such as HTCondor.
Bldg. 22 22-322 5066 moayad@kfupm.edu.sa